Jumoke Aremu

Jumoke Aremu

Lead Teacher Array | Array jremu@tworiverspcs.org Jumoke (she/her) is a Georgia native. She received her Bachelor’s degree in International Studies from American University in Washington, DC. She is...
Lisa Green

Lisa Green

Assistant Teacher/Floating SubstituteArray | Array lgreen@tworiverspcs.org Lisa is a devoted mother of three lovely children. Lisa believes in facts and will research a topic...
DiAnna Stewart

DiAnna Stewart

Assistant Teacher/Floating Substitute | Young ES | PS PK K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th dstewart@tworiverspcs.org DiAnna Stewart knows that “The beautiful thing about...
Khadeem Wynter

Khadeem Wynter

Assistant Teacher | 4th Street ES | 4th Grade kwynter@tworiverspcs.org Bio coming soon!
Sarah Petry

Sarah Petry

Speech Language Pathologist | 4th Street ES | PS PK K 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th spetry@tworiverspcs.org Sarah was born in Hollis, NH where she developed a love for nature and outdoor...