Special Education and Student Support

Two Rivers believes in the potential of all students and is committed to maximizing their potential. Our Student Support Team — which is available to any student who needs it — is a collaborative approach to addressing concerns about academics, social-emotional well-being, health, behavior, and attendance. Each team is specific to the student, and can include the student’s classroom teacher, the student’s family, school leaders, and if appropriate, the student themselves.

Special Education

Two Rivers’ learning approach is rooted in respect for individual differences and active, hands-on learning and problem solving — making it especially well-suited for inclusion of students with disabilities in the general education classroom. Most students with disabilities at Two Rivers are taught alongside peers without disabilities. For students needing more intensive remediation of basic skills or have other needs that cannot be met in the general education classroom, our special educators may work with the student in a small group or one-on-one outside the classroom for a portion of the school day.

Most students needing special education services are identified through the Student Support Team process, though parents have the right to to request an evaluation for special education needs at any time.

For questions about special education at Two Rivers, please contact Jenna Umansky, Sr. Director of Student Support Services jumansky@tworiverspcs.org.

Student-Led Individual Education Programs

Typically, individual education programs (IEPs) are created by adults for a student who has been identified for special education services. At Two Rivers, we believe in the power of students participating in their own IEP creation and monitoring.

Students work with their special education teachers to identify their strengths and needs and develop annual goals. These students then participate in their IEP meetings. Through supporting students in becoming part of their own IEP team, Two Rivers hopes to develop the self-advocacy skills of students with disabilities, building skills they will need to be successful in high school and as adults.